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T b Joshua Revival in the UK 2019

On June 1, 2019, Prophet T. B. Joshua held a crusade in Sheffield, England. The man of God Harry along with a team from Greece had the honor to attend. This unique experience was broadcasted in real time by Emmanuel TV, to millions of viewers all over the world.

In an atmosphere electrified by the Spirit of God, the worship that was offered to the Living God was powerful and beautiful. The verses from the hymns became words of prayer and a glorious atmosphere of faith was created by the worship team that chanted and praised the Most High God, the Lord of heaven and earth! He was already there, manifesting His love to those present and revealing His glory with deliverance and healing.

Then, the man of God Chris shared a very important message directly from the heart of God, titled “THE CORE OF GOD’S MESSAGE TO MANKIND”. He said that if we love God, we are under obligation to love our fellow man. Reading from the Gospel of Mark 12:28-31 and from the Book of Leviticus 19:18, he emphasized that there is nothing in our life that is more important to God than to love our neighbour as ourselves. Because we cannot love God without loving our neighbor. Indeed, he added that God measures our lives by our love for our fellow neighbor because the love we have for our neighbour determines the relationship we have with God. Everybody should recognize us by our love. Love, he added, does not reject anyone. Indeed, genuine love forgives and forgets the wrong, so there is hope for the future. Where the world and its people find themselves today is as a result of lack of genuine love. Finally, the man of God, Chris urged the people of God to care for one another, to love them all, and thus to find the love of God. “Love one another irrespective of religion, colour, ethnicity – let love lead!”

If millions of this generation are to believe, they must see proof that Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday and forever! The presence and power of God were confirmed with miracles among the attendees; during the prayer line, the laying of hands and mass prayer which were led by the people of God, Chris, Racine and Yinka, healing and deliverance began one after another. People received what they having been waiting for by faith and once again the Word of God proved true with signs and wonders.


The next day, on June 2, 2019, at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, evangelist Katerina Otamere preached a message entitled “BE THE DIFFERENCE YOU WANT TO SEE IN OTHERS”. She began by saying that in life there are people with different hearts, different minds and different ways of looking at things. So in our lives, we meet people with good, but also bad behavior towards us. She said, the question is not how they behave to us, yet, how we behave towards them; as our relationship with God depends, far more we think, upon our adjustment to one another. She sternly stressed, “Our union with Christ is the basis of our unity with one another”.

Reading from the Book of Romans 2:1, the evangelist told us that if we sincerely do a self – examination, we will find that many of the things that we judge others for, we do ourselves. Instead of trying to correct others, if we want to be successful in our lives we need to look inside and correct ourselves. Then, she read from Matthew 7:3, and added that instead of trying to remove the speck that is in our brother’s eye, we should first pull the plank out of our own eye, only then will we see things more clearly. Therefore, the change begins with us and not with those around us! The best evangelism towards others is our own life because our actions speak louder than our words! Let us ask for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ so that we can be the change we so much want to see in others!


Mrs. Tela’s problems began ten years ago in the beginning of her marriage; when she and her husband decided to leave Albania and come to Thessaloniki to live together as a family. She then began to see her husband’s character change; he was different than what she had known. He would leave the house late and give no account on his whereabouts, he was never there when she and their child needed him. He was constantly angry and day by day things became worse until he began to get violent with her. As Mrs. Tela faced this situation she began to see her dreams about life and her family falling apart; this caused her to feel frustrated and betrayed. She gave many opportunities for this marriage to work, but the situation did not change, instead of getting better with time it got worse. So, she made the decision to separate definitively. All this pain and sorrow was in her heart and it prevented her from moving forward.

During mass prayer the Almighty God located her and gave her the following prophetic word through the man of God Harry: “If you want your life to move forward and the blessing of God to come to your life, you need to leave the past behind. The people who hurt you belong to the past, do not repeat the same stories again and again if you want your life to move forward. Let go of the past, take it as a lesson learned… What’s done is done. So, say, “Lord, thank You for this lesson, now I forgive everyone who has hurt me, all those who have done me wrong. Now I want to move forward with You!” and then you will see the joy of life!”

One week after on May 2, 2019, Mrs. Tela came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, to thank God for her deliverance and to confirm the prophetic word she received from the man of God Harry. While she knew that when she relived her past she only hurt herself, she continued to do so, constantly falling into this catastrophic trap; always saying she would not talk about her past anymore, yet not having the strength to stop herself. During these times she repented, until she fell again, realizing she could not do this anymore she asked for help from the Lord, Jesus Christ. With the prophetic word she received, Mrs. Tela said that God revealed what the problem was so she was able to understand her weakness, leave it to Him, and move forward. She then realized that without the help of God she could not stop her weakness. She also mentioned that with the divine touch she received, she was filled with joy and peace. She advised us to put our problems in the hands of God, and He will give us the solution. Finally, she promised with His grace and His Mercy to remain faithful to this prophetic word and the instruction she received.

“One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14)


There is a sister in Lagos that can help you get the Morning Water if you want it. Her name is Sister Florence, she lives a few blocks away from the church. And she is also a member of the church. If you need the Morning, ask her to help you buy from the church and send to you in your country.

Contact her email:

WhatsApp: +234 802 289 4731

NB: She is not an evangelist. Just a member of the church


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