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We Overcame by the Word of Our Testimonies

Many people have received a touch from heaven by the Medium of SCOAN Anointing Water, some have return back to share their testimonies live at the church Auditorium while others have returned to the church official Morning Water page to share their testimonies too. 

I know that once you receive the anointing water, and you pray with it in faith, you will be NEXT to testify. Remember that - "When you acknowledge God as your Healer, Redeemer and Saviour – He will do it again and again.” Thousands have received a touch from heaven through the medium of Anointing Water. So, when you do... Don’t keep it to yourself! 

Below are the testimonies that we have received so far and it's still counting... 


  1. Thank you for sending me the Morning Water SCOAN. I received my Morning Water Parcel Last Month and I have Been experiencing these favor for sometime now, and wherever I go, when I speak, people are drawn and I am able to share the sweet fragrance of Christ and pray in the leading of the Spirit. Thank you Prophet TB Joshua for your love towards all. I hope to visit the Synagogue Church of All nations soon.

  2. I and my family want to quickly thank the entire SCOAN Team for your kindness. Since we ordered the Anointing Water and other items from the church, almost all of them, we have been blessed to be using them. When we pray for people with the Anointing Water God moves and people are set free from troubles that bothered them. I have seen people break out and cry as God blesses and heals their lives. That's truly amazing!

    Thank you all and God bless you

  3. Hi, SCOAN team

    I am told to contact you here. About a month ago, one of my co-workers here in Clifton,TX gave me a bottle of the Anointing water she got from you guys, I prayed with it in faith and it was a significant point in my walk with Christ. Since that time my life has taken a drastic turn and God has been opening up doors and changing so much in me and my life. Anyway, it has been on my heart to get some bottles of the Anointing Water to Share with some of my Family members.

    Anyway, let me know how you would like me to pay and what the total with shipping is and I will get right on it.”

    Thanks so much!!

  4. Thank you SCOAN Admin

    I received the Anointing Water Package you sent last week. As I opened the package, I felt the Holy Ghost come upon me in well a major way, and it remains even now, thank You Jesus! Prophet TB Joshua, thank you again for blessing me all to God’s Glory as we ‘Live in the embrace of the Father and the Son.

    Thank you all... Shalom!

  5. Dear SCOAN team,
    Thank you for sending me the Anointing Water when i needed it the most. And again thank you for coming to see my daughter…and me at the hospital…she has ways to go but with all the prayers and the anointing, she is doing much better. Thank you for talking with me and all your support.



    YOU have blessed us ways there are no words to explain and no price can be put on it. Prophet TB joshua, you have blessed so many of my friends with your faithfulness to hear the Holy Spirit and deliver HIS heart. I still remember the first time I watched Prophet TB Joshua preached on Emmanuel TV. And the words were so profound and exact for the time. Thank you for your ministry and intercession. Thank you for your YES to the LORD. I received the Anointing water today, and I am so excited to let you know that it arrive earlier than the scheduled date on the Emmanuel Express delivery website.

    Thank you all. God Bless you!

  7. Thank you SCOAN team for sending me the Anointing Water. My joy is so full so full right now! I anointed my husband with the “Anointing Water” and we prayed with it as you instructed and it had a immediate effect.” 12 years of barreness was broken. Bless you all.


  8. Emmanuel, I want to quickly thank the entire SCOAN team for your effort in making sure we receive the Anointing Water at our doorsteps when we needed them. The first time I smelled the Anointing Water, my spirit started soaring. When I returned home to LA, I took Anointing water and anointed my husband and my heart and wrists. I also put on the Prophet TB Joshua DVD that you gave me. We began to pray and worship the Lord. It was the first time my husband said he felt like he was flying. Instantly he accepted Christ, I am so happy. I won a soul for God! We are planning to visit the Church soon...

    Thank you again and again. Be blessed!

  9. Emmanuel! SCOAN team

    I received the Anointing Water package yesterday. My daughter, Donna, had the package on her bed when I got home... as I walked toward the package, I started shaking… the anointing was so heavy and I had the Joy of the LORD upon me. All nite I was filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and I started declaring words of life over myself and family and GOD’s WORD upon me… I could not stop! The bottle of the Anointing Water is beautiful and later that nite as I opened up the bottle, HIS presence filled my living room.

    Thank you so much.. Be Blessed in Jesus Name!

  10. To the entire SCOAN team
    I just wish to thank you for the encouragement and hope that the Lord has ministered to me through you.

    Yes in words and prayers also in the Christ like reaction and behavior (which has helped me to consider and realign my thinking to His!). For the Spirit is indeed in control and at work in your life mightily; you pour out.

    I consider myself blessed to know you. I pray an expansion of God’s Kingdom through your ministry. Many are being helped and healed!

    Thank you all

  11. Hello SCOAN Admin! I love my anointing water! Thank you so much!!!! What a beautiful gift it is and it smells so wonderful!!!! I was so blessed when I received it! Thank you a million times over!

  12. Good Morning Emmanuel TV

    I was hospitalized and put on disability for C-PTSD. Someone gave me a bottle of your Anointing Water. And the Anointing water works better than my prescription medication of 2mg Xanax for panic attacks and PTSD episodes. I've never physically felt something from anointing. But, with this Anointing Water I feel something physically in my body that is unexplainable, euphoric and calming. I was hospitalized for 9 months, determined unable to work and put on disability my C-PTSD is so severe.

    I'm shocked... This is just Water in a small bottle that's been prayed over??? These should be in hospitals and pharmacies. What denomination are you?

    I'd like to Join your church. I have already sent an email. Please get back to me as soon as you can. Thank you all.

  13. Thank you SCOAN. I received my Morning Water Package last week. This product is excellent! I was challenged with a parasitic illness for almost a year that left me with dark spots and rashes all over my body. When I started using the Morning Water to anoint myself daily, I received immediate results. My skin is clearing and I am walking out my divine healing daily.

  14. My name is Rose. I have read some of the testimonial on your blog and I am an active follower of Prophet Tb Joshua, and the Emmanuel TV. I want to thank you all for all you do. God will surely bless you all.

  15. I received some bottles of the Anointing Water when I visited The SCOAN late last year. Over the past month I had been having trouble sleeping. I was restless, was seeing weird/demonic things when I would close my eyes etc.

    I felt like the Holy Spirit told me to anoint myself with Anointing Water each night before bed, and to pray in faith. The first night I did this I noticed that my sleep was better. And its continued to improve. I know that there is no "magic" potion with these Morning Waters, but I do believe that because the folks at The SCOAN take the time to soak each Anointing Water in prayer, that ultimately when you use them you are being set up for an encounter with God Himself.

  16. Emmanuel! I received my Anointing Water Package today and am super excited about using it in intimate prayer time.

    The smell of the Anointing Water Package reminds me of something I smelled before in the spirit when the book of Esther was being preached. I LOVE! that this is from the Synagogue Church Of All Nations and I pray that this church will grow more and more as believers discover the wonder working power of our God as of Old.

    I am excited that this Anointing Water is symbol of the old covenant meeting the new. God bless and protect Prophet Tb Joshua in Jesus Name!

  17. Thank you SCOAN team. I received my Anointing Water Package yesterday. The item was perfect and smelled wonderful!!

  18. Emmanuel!
    I and my husband ordered the Anointing Water from the SCOAN and took it along with us on our summer vacation. One of the prayer point we had was for God's Presence to always be with us.

    Every morning we would come before Him in prayer and with the Word and I began to notice how much I felt the closeness of the Spirit of God in our midst! Then I realized that this was the intimacy we prayed for when we anointed our trailer with the Anointing water.

    I really believe that the Lord uses this Anointing Waters as a point of contact for His Presence. In His anointing we are sanctified and set apart to receive everything He desires to impart to us as His children!

    Thank you, The SCOAN Family, for offering these beautiful bottles of Morning Water as a means to enjoy intimacy with our Messiah in a greater way. I really appreciate how you have given yourselves to prayer over each one, dedicating them to the Lord and providing a pathway for His Spirit to be imparted to those who use them.

    Blessings & Shalom!

  19. Shalom, I want to share a testimony about The Anointing Water here

    I normally attend a group meeting called Miracle Manna on every Mondays, so on the 20th May 2020, I brought with me a few bottles of The Anointing Water for the group leader and the members.

    During an altar call the group leader used The Anointing Water to administer to the members for healing and deliverance. The presence of the Anointing was so strong and the Spirit of GOD was moving so powerfully as most of the members were slained and some were laying on the floor for a very long time.

    One was crying and the other was laughing and that reminds me of the Word of the LORD “You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore GOD; Your GOD, has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions” (Psalm 45:7;Hebrews1:9 NKJV).

    One of the sisters commented that The Anointing Water was very special as we all could feel the power of GOD moving unlike other times before. I too could feel the strong Presence and the Anointing in the Sanctuary.

    I am so blessed because I also received the oil of gladness and I want to thank the LORD and give Him all the Glory for His mighty works! Our GOD is an awesome GOD who is mighty to save! Blessings!

  20. I received the Anointing Water some months ago. Just last week, my son was suffering from a fever so my daughter and I anointed him with The Anointing Water and his fever went away. This high quality, Morning Water has been processed and prayed over with holy hands in the Holy Sanctuary long before it is poured out in prayer over others. Every time you anoint someone with The New Morning Water, you are in a very real sense joining your faith with the tangible place, presence and person who still heals today - Jesus Christ. I highly recommend The Anointing Water. It's more than anointing Water. It's about the Anointed One Jesus Christ.

  21. This past year my family and I have been building a new house. A process that should have been straight forward suddenly began to encounter many unexpected road blocks that continued to extend the dead line from days to weeks and eventually into months. When one problem was solved another one showed up. After speaking with a friend she gave me a bottle of The Anointing Water and encouraged me to anoint and pray over the house. I did this a few times and slowly but surely the problems disappeared and the house was finished much sooner than had been expected when taking into consideration all the problems we were having.

    I have to say that there is something very special about the SCOAN Anointing Waters, which I am thinking has to do with the way that they are made as well as the prayer and dedication that goes into them before they leave the Synagogue Church Of All Nations

  22. I want to quickly share a testimony of how God used the Anointing water to deliver a young boy in our church.

    The atmosphere is charged with hope and anticipation during our Celebration Baptisms Services. There is something about witnessing a person publicly declare Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, go into the water by faith, and come up out of the water with a new perspective.

    I was scheduled with 2 other men of God to be in the pool during our early service on Sunday morning. Always excited for these services, I pray earnestly on my drive to the church as my level of expectancy is heightened by how compassionate our God really is! As I arrive to the where everyone who is getting baptized is gathered, we are briefed about the late entry of a young man in a powered wheelchair. Sam is a big boy and the evaluation is underway whether or not we'll need more help moving him around. Fortunately, we have a mechanical lift for these purposes; to get disabled or handicap people in and out of the pool.

    Immediately, Holy Spirit energizes my faith and boldness. As worship begins, I find Sam sitting in his chair and I proceed to introduce myself. I gently leaned in to speak words of boldness and proclaim healing over his mind and body. The slideshow of him walking out of the baptismal pool was running through my heart as I prayed and anointed him with the New Anointing Water.

    Sam courageously allows our team to strap him into the chairlift and lower him into the pool. He shares his story with the congregation of how he had been seriously injured in a car accident, leaving him in a wheelchair. He confesses Jesus as Lord with tears in his eyes, and we put him under.

    This man rises from the water different. He is standing, his demeanor is different, so I lean into him and ask, "Would you like to go back in the chair? Or do you want to walk out?" Sam replied, with absolute confidence, "I want to walk!"

    It took a good 30 to 40 seconds for him to make his way up and down the steps, but he did it!! This was Sam first step to complete healing, and he won my heart with his determination to experience the goodness of God. The Bible instructs us to pray for the sick, anointing them with oil.

    I never go anywhere without my Anointing Water. Of course it is not the oil that heals, but the power it represents!

  23. Hello SCOAN
    I have received my Anointing Water Package, It's like a beautiful gift and is packaged so nicely. It smell like heaven.. It smells wonderful and coming from The SCOAN is edifying. I asked the Lord to bless it and I anoint myself, my house etc. I will be ordering more to share with my friends and family.

    Thank you all

  24. Thank you SCOAN, the bottles of Morning Waters are fantastic - I love them and the fact that they are made in the Holy Land is Awesome. I love them all of them and I will be recommending them to all of my friends.

  25. My first time ordering the Anointing Water and also from you. I've only used it twice thus far and I like the aroma and fragrance it has. It reminds me of my visit to the Synagogue Church Of All Nations.

  26. Dear SCOAN team,
    I just want to say a hearty THANK YOU for the impeccable response that I received when I placed a recent online order for Prophet TB Joshua Anointing Water. I am amazed at how quickly I received my package (which I placed a few days before a federal holiday) and I am even more impressed with the quality of the anointing water. It is quite apparent to me that the Morning Water operates in a spirit of God's healing hand and for that, I am so very thankful.

    I definitely plan to order again in the near future.
    Keep up the good work!

  27. Hello SCOAN team

    I was blessed with a little bottle of anointing water from The SCOAN by a visiting friend from USA. When I opened it, I suddenly felt like im breathing in the Life of God Himself. It was so awesome. I use it every time I minister( I'm a pastor), or my personal prayer time. The biblical fragrance assures me that Christ is In Me! I don't know what i will do when it gets finished.

    Thank you all!

  28. Dear SCOAN Team

    My name is Susan Vazquez. I first got the Morning Water at a ladies retreat. It was incredible. I couldn't believe how awesome it was. I also ordered some bottles for my sisters from here and they loved them. The thing I like most about the Morning Water is that it touched my heart when you said you pray over them before you send it to us. I felt the Holy Spirit when I read that.

    Thank you so much for care, you are truly blessing people. Many blessings to you all

  29. My husband and I have been overwhelmingly blessed with the awesome responsibility of creating Matthias for those who have been called to walk with them. We always use the Anointing Waters on our hands throughout the entire process, and cover both the work and the recipient with prayer. We are grateful for the availability, and it also bears witness that we know that Prophet TB Joshua and The SCOAN are like-minded in prayer with the body of Christ worldwide.

    Thank-you for your faithfulness!

  30. Dear SCOAN team

    I want to thank you for sending me the bottles of the Anointing Waters I requested for. I bless the LORD for the anointing that each bottle posses. Whenever I open a bottle of the SCOAN Morning Water the anointing and power of GOD just flow. When I use the oils GOD present come even the more. It gives you a heavenly feeling and make you feel safe in the masters arms. This feeling is like nothing I've ever experienced before it will cause you to worship, love and rest on him.


  31. Thank you SCOAN team

    I ordered the SCOAN Anointing water a few months ago and I cannot tell you how it has helped me, and kept me feeling secure in the love of God when I was going through a difficult time. I pour a little of it into my bathwater and the whole bath and bedroom is filled also with it's fragrance. It smells wonderful and is therapeutic, reminding me of the Lord and His presence and love for me. I will be ordering more of the Morning Water in the near future and hope to be able to purchase a few anointed materials from Emmanuel TV to give as gifts. The beautiful bottle the Anointing Water comes in reminds me everyday to pray for the Peace of the World.

    May God bless you and your ministry....

  32. Hello SCOAN,

    For a long time, I had desired a real anointing from heaven, but was not sure how to get it. Then a friend of mine gave me a bottle of your SCOAN Morning Water a few years ago as a gift. I began anointing myself with it. I sensed a stronger presence of God's Spirit with me, especially during challenging times. I ordered more bottles of the anointing water from you and my husband and I began anointing our children with it at bedtime and blessing them. They love it and they will come and get us every night at bed time just to be anointed and prayed over! Also, we use it to pray over our home and property boundaries. We can literally sense God's protection and peace over us and our home when we do this.

    Thank-you and Blessings!

  33. Thank you SCOAN Admin for sending me the Anointing Water package. As I prayed with the Anointing water and drank a little from it, I experienced something remarkable during the prayers, I began coughing so hard that the right side of my back, chest, lungs and entire body began shaking continuously and then I started producing mucus. After a couple of minutes, whatever was taken place in my body left me. I felt much better. I thank the Father Almighty and The entire SCOAN for tonight's deliverance. I am healed in Jesus Name.

  34. I got healed, this week! I have gotten my complete healing! I have been having terrible headaches and migraines since the beginning of the year. I cried and begged God to give me sleep. I have been so weak because of this, but as I drank from the first bottle (of morning water) strength came into me and this demonic headache has been washed away. Thank You, Jesus! Thank you Prophet TB Joshua! Thank you the entire SCOAN Team

  35. My daughter graduated from college and got a job. A few days into the orientation period she went and tested herself for COVID-19 and it came back positive; she informed her boss. I quickly contacted the SCOAN and get to send me some bottles of the Morning Waters. They also gave her prayer points to pray, and after 3 weeks she tested negative!!!

    She was also paid for one week while out of work and she still had her job. My mouth is full of praises for all He has done for my family, and I know He is going to do more. My prayer is for God to bless Prophet TB Joshua and the SCOAN family more abundantly and give them long life for always praying for my family and checking on us in Jesus' mighty name. Amen!

  36. Glory to God, Alpha and Omega! I give thanks to Jesus, SCOAN team & Prophet Tb Joshua. I've been having a little bit of trouble with my breathing before the I got the SCOAN Morning Water, which was not so easy. By the grace of God after praying with the Morning Water and drank from the bottle, God healed me! and my breathing is back to normal now. The SCOAN is truly from Jesus!

  37. Dear SCOAN team:

    As you know I've been using the New Morning Water for around 3 years now. The first time it arrived in my home I could feel the Lord's presence come with it. The fragrances are wonderful!

    I have continued to pray with the Morning Water because of the anointing God the Father has placed upon it, there is none other that I know of that matches His anointing!

    I've order different items from the SCOAN here and have been met by smiles at the other end of the line and so helpful. I use the Morning Water in the ministry I serve in and I personally recommend them to everyone I know!

    It's not just about the Anointing water, it's all about Jesus, The anointed one...


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5 Easy steps on How to get The SCOAN Morning Water

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