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Our key responsibility in life is to trust the Holy Spirit

 Once more the power of God overtook the Service on Sunday, at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, as the children of God gathered in the Arena of Liberty to seek the face of their Heavenly Father. The verses of the hymns that the choir so boldly sang became prayers, while the attendees allowed the worship to take the place of their problems, their sickness, diseases, and depression!

Following, evangelist Stavros Michailidis preached a message entitled “OUR KEY RESPONSIBILITY”, giving us the way to obtain a free spirit. The evangelist explained that all the privileges and comforts we enjoy today because of the advanced technology which is prevalent in our days, are actually taking our mind away from our Creator instead of helping us! Unfortunately, our everyday needs, concerns and fears continue to grow, resulting in our faith to be in crisis. “It is our failure to give Christ His proper position in our heart that is actually responsible for the crisis of our faith.”, the evangelist clarified.

Following, evangelist Stavros Michailidis preached a message entitled “OUR KEY RESPONSIBILITY”, giving us the way to obtain a free spirit. The evangelist explained that all the privileges and comforts we enjoy today because of the advanced technology which is prevalent in our days, are actually taking our mind away from our Creator instead of helping us! Unfortunately, our everyday needs, concerns and fears continue to grow, resulting in our faith to be in crisis. “It is our failure to give Christ His proper position in our heart that is actually responsible for the crisis of our faith.”, the evangelist clarified.

He then read from Luke 10:38-42, the story that took place in the house of Martha and Mary, with particular emphasis on verse 41, where Jesus responded to Martha’s request, saying, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed…”. He pointed out that those who worried about many things, are very busy with various activities and daily duties, but they are not careful to be right in front of God, belong in the category of Martha. Like Martha, so many people today choose to engage in other things and activities, even though God comes on a daily basis to strike the door of our heart and invites us to know Him through His Word; as meditation in the Word of God is a visit with Him. For many years, many of us have refrained from meeting with our Creator, because our spirit is overloaded or bound with worldly concerns and worries, thus having lost its sensitivity to the Spirit of God. “When our spirit loses its sensitivity, our real value is at stake, it becomes a tool in the hand of the devil, a toy for manipulation!”, the evangelist pointed out. On the contrary, Mary’s category includes those who feel tired and frustrated with the world! Mary saw the face of Jesus Christ as an opportunity to take her life to a higher level. She understood that her encounter with Jesus Christ was worthwhile to leave any other obligation. Thus, the evangelist clarified that the way out of Martha’s category is that first we must get tired of our worldly business and frustrated in our worldly affairs. Only then will we be welcome to Jesus Christ. In addition, he gave us the key to getting rid of our burdens and to rebuilding our relationship with God, by saying, “As Christians, our key responsibility in life is to trust the Holy Spirit, to keep His Word in our mouth, in our heart and in every conversation!”. Concluding his message, the evangelist urged the people of God to stop looking for joy and satisfaction “chasing” after worldly affairs, because the blessings of the world enrich our bodies temporarily, while the blessings of God enrich our soul for eternity!


Ms. Gabriela, a resident of North Macedonia, filled with joy came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, on June 14, 2019, to testify and glorify the name of Jesus Christ for the wonderful changes He has brought into her life.

Ms. Gabriela had been addicted to smoking cigarettes for 22 years. She began smoking at the age of 16 and felt the need to smoke after any act she did. She smoked a pack a day, and this greatly affected her because as the years passed she began to lose energy and she felt weak. This impacted her life, as it was something she could not improve on her own.

When a friend told her that she was going to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to be delivered from smoking, Ms. Gabriela for the first time in her life heard that God is Alive and is doing miracles. When her friend made this trip and returned back, Ms. Gabriela was shocked that her friend was not only delivered from her cigarette addiction, but she was also healed of the skin disease that had plagued her for 26 whole years! This is when she made the decision to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, so she can receive her own lasting deliverance from smoking in the name of Jesus Christ. She took part on the prayer line and received a divine touch from the man of God Harry. Immediately she felt immense love and joy she could not explain!

The very next day she realised she had absolutely no desire for a cigarette! With gratitude and joy, she testified to all that Jesus Christ delivered her from once and for all! An addiction with a 22-year history, a desire she has never been able to resist, disappeared with just one divine touch. Now, she is full of energy, power and free from the addiction to smoking! Having received such a miracle, she is now convinced that Jesus Christ is Alive and has advised us all to believe in Him and to meditate on His Word; having faith in Him and knowing His Word, miracles will happen in our lives! Finally, she gave thanks to Jesus Christ who loved her, even though she was not even aware of His existence, and promised to have Him as a Roadmap and Companion forever until the end of her life!

“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32)


14-year-old Darina Chonkova and her family came from Bulgaria to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to take part in the prayer line, believing that only God could put an end to their suffering by bringing deliverance and a lasting solution to the life of young Darina.

During the prayer line, the Spirit of God located her, and the man of God revealed the root of her problem, giving her the following prophecy: “It is as if you have a magnet that attracts bad friends, and bad children with bad habits… If you continue to hang out with those who have bad habits, they will affect you too! Now, as a child of God, you should be paying attention to your school, your family, your relationship with God, and do whatever your parents say because they want what’s best for you. Your friends will make you stray away from God, stray away from your parents and cause you to make wrong decisions about your life … If you do not make serious decisions now, I see you will soon leave home. You now have to decide what to do with your life!”. Then the man of God prayed for her in the name of Jesus Christ, asking for God’s power to manifest in her weakness.

On July 14, 2019, Miss. Darina returned to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, with her father and her younger sister, to confirm the prophecy she received from the man of God Harry and to acknowledge the catalytic change Jesus Christ brought into her life. She said everything started two years ago when at the age of 12 she began to talk with a girl of her age. At first, everything was good, but things gradually changed between them. Her friend began to accumulate bad habits, to lie, to smoke, to watch pornography and to negatively influence Miss. Darina in the same direction. So, a once good, obedient and well-behaved child that did not cause any problems suddenly began lying to her parents under the guidance of her friend. She stopped studying her lessons, she would roam the streets all day and when they were at home with her friend, they were always looking to be alone, unsupervised with their cell phones. Every effort by her parents to advise her and remove the negative influence of her friend went unheard and created rebellion, quarrels and ultimately hatred towards them. At school, her behavior towards everyone was unacceptably offensive, her grades dropped drastically and she was continually causing problems, which led to everyone commenting on her horrible behavior. In fact, her parents were constantly receiving phone calls from the school with complaints about her misbehaving. The situation had come to the point where family counselors from her school visited the family to record the conditions in their home. Ashamed of the situation, but also in despair, Miss. Darina’s parents became aware that they were unable to help their child since every effort to reach her fell on the wall of her bad behavior and hatred. The situation was out of control! No longer being able to do anything, they made the decision to come before God and bring their trouble to His feet. In amazement, they listened to the prophecy that clearly revealed what they had been going through for two years, and they confirmed that the prophecy was true!

Full of joy and gratitude to Almighty God, Miss. Darina testified about the wonderful changes that followed in her life after the prayer line. The negative influence that her friend had on her was definitely in the past. Relations with her parents were restored, as she now understood that they always wanted what was best for her. She has made serious decisions about her life, just as the man of God advised her, and within these decisions, she made a new beginning with God, with her life, and then with her family. She was able to raise her grades by the end of the school year to 18+ and decided to learn another foreign language! The negative phone calls from school stopped and everyone recognized the big change in her life! Her advice towards the youth is to listen to the advice of their parents because they only want what is best for them and her promise to Almighty God that has brought the solution and peace to her family is to follow Him to the end of her life!

It is very important to choose our friends with care because our future will be determined by the kind of company we keep today!

Below we can see photographs from the prayer line, where people came from different parts of the world, determined to bring their situation before Jesus Christ in order to receive their solution from Him, through the man of God. 


There is a sister in Lagos that can help you get the Morning Water if you want it. Her name is Sister Florence, she lives a few blocks away from the church. And she is also a member of the church. If you need the Morning, ask her to help you buy from the church and send to you in your country.

Contact her email:

WhatsApp: +234 802 289 4731

NB: She is not an evangelist. Just a member of the church


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