The SCOAN Choir began on a note of brokenness, asking the Lord to fill theirs and the people’s emptiness with His love, joy and peace to a point of overflow. They also asked the Son of David to have mercy on them and the congregants, even as they called for His unceasing favour. Once the Choir finished welcoming the Holy Spirit into “The Arena of Liberty”, worshippers began to witness God’s power ministering to their diverse situations. In a very frank message titled FAITH OR BELIEF MEANS TRUST , Prophet TB Joshua addressed four key questions about faith. First, he asked, “How do we live out our faith?” For answer, he quoted Hebrews 11:1 and explained that living out our faith means keeping the focus on God no matter our situation or challenges, believing that He is working out the answer. Second, he asked, “What is faith?” He answered by noting that faith is about being able to make heart contact with God, not about outward show that comes from mere sense experience. In oth...